As activists organizing with the Our Time campaign put together town halls in cities across Canada to discuss what a Green New Deal would look like for Canada, the wildfire season had already begun. Alberta’s High Level fire forced over 4,000 town residents and nearby First Nations communities to evacuate their homes.
What does wildfire and emergency response look like for young workers beginning their careers, and how can we improve these much-needed jobs to best mitigate the effects of climate change?
-Wildfire stories in the episode-…-sunday-morning…battle-wildfires…e-service-1.4925541…emergency-1.4675270
Also in this episode: The group Millennium for All continues to oppose security screenings at the Millennium Library in downtown Winnipeg
-Previous Episode on Library Security-
Rfradio-prairie – Library-security-harm-reduction-in-the-workplace-garth-mullins-crackdown-owen-toews-bar-none
-Listen to Crackdown podcast-
-Fighting for Space by Travis Lupick-