RankandFile.ca is pleased to announce that Denise Leduc has joined the team as our Prairie Region Writer/Organizer. Denise Leduc is a writer, student and librarian. She is a member of CUPE and proud wife of a union tradesman. Her writing has appeared in Life Learning Magazine and Rabble. In the past 5 years, she has had the privilege of living in various places in three Canadian provinces and loves meeting the people and exploring the natural beauty of this country.
For us, good news comes in twos. Daniel Tseghay has agreed to stick around for another six months as a Writer/Organizer with RankandFile.ca. Daniel has written a number of exceptional pieces on the state of foreign and migrant work in British Columbia, as well as some important contributions on labour history in that province. We’re thrilled to publish more of Daniel’s work in the year ahead.
Donations from the Regina & District Labour Council and countless financial contributions from R&F readers have helped to make these hires possible. If you want to help the cause, think about making a contribution today!
In Solidarity,
The RankandFile.ca editorial team