Music Video in support of Coffee Shop Workers and promoting the organizing of (especially) low paid and precarious work. .
This video was produced by the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council in support of coffee shop workers and others trying to make all work, decent work with a living wage. Everyone who worked on this video was a volunteer and we thank everyone, both professional and amateur, who participated.
A union is the best anti-poverty campaign!
If you are interested in organizing your coffee shop in Halifax, you can find contact information at: http://www.baristasriseup.ca/ to talk to others who have organized their shops, and find out about the possibilities. It is confidential and no risk.
If you work in the Halifax area, but are not a barista – still interested in finding out what a union can do for you? You can contact the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council by emailing president@halifaxlabour.ca If you are elsewhere in Nova Scotia please contact the Canadian Labour Congress at: 902-455-2965 for assistance.
Wonderful! I’m going to run this on my blog later this week — which reaches perhaps 5,000 people — not as many readers as the evil Margaret Wente of the Globe and Mail, but I’m gaining!