Doug Ford’s “student choice” initiative in Ontario will destabilize student union funding and dramatically alter the landscape for training future student and labour organizers in Canada. In Alberta, the door to attack student funding has been wedged open by right wing bootlickers. Ultimately, it pushes Canada closer to a government being able to introduce right-to-work legislation that will undermine labour’s ability to collect union dues, much like we’ve seen in America with the Janus supreme court decision in 2018.
Levi Nilson, former 2015/16 Students’ Union president at the University of Calgary, reflects on the fight with administration over ownership of MacHall, a student-run building on campus, and the importance of building student militancy in Alberta.
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Sandy & Nora on Doug Ford’s “student choice” initiative…udent-democracy/
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What Janus Means North of the Border…th-of-the-border/
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