Gerard Di Trolio’s interview with Hassan Husseini
April 14, 2014 contributor, Gerard Di Trolio speaks with Hassan Husseini, candidate for Canadian Labour Congress President.
Find out more about Husseini’s campaign, and his vision for the labour movement in Canada, at Take Back the CLC.
For progressive change in the CLC, make sure your union supports Hassan’s bid for CLC President. Check out the draft motion, biography, and campaign platform to get things started.
Interview with Hassan Husseini
not a delegate says
Great interview…. and some great ideas for invigorating the labour movement. But the main problem I had when I was a shop steward was how to work outside of the structures that have handcuffed unions. Our only role is to defend the CA. So how do we mobilize our brothers and sisters in our own locals to fight against austerity, but outside of the CA framework? Even something as simple as organizing a meeting is difficult for a small local without resources. How do we motivate people to get active in the community, beyond going to a Labour Day parade to get a free t-shirt? This problem goes beyond just who is the leader of the CLC, although new blood with a fighting spirit is desperately needed there. Good luck Hassan.
Bob Peacock says
It is about time that the CLC, started looking within and see that the Labour Movement needs a change, a big change.
It has been years since the people of this Country could count on anyone in either the Provincial Labour Federations or the Canadian Labour Congress hierarchy would continue to fight for working people. They have become the fat cats. Hopefully with a NEW Executive, they can move against the right wing governments in this Country and bring stability back to working people in this Country and get more people back to work with good wages, benefits. Good luck Hassan. But, in order for Hassan to do his job, APATHY needs to disappear. So get with the program brothers and sisters.