By Doug Nesbitt The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) ended, October 23, 2021. The CRB is the continuation of the Canada Emergency Recovery Benefit which was first implemented in April 2020, only weeks after the COVID-19 Pandemic was declared. CERB proved a lifesaver for millions. Within four months, an estimated 8.5 million Canadians had accessed the Continue readingA farewell to CERB and the future of EI
Employment Insurance
By Doug Nesbitt The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) is now law and the program will last three months retroactive to March 15. The legislation passed at a sitting of parliament on April 11. It is the single biggest trickle-down economics program in Canadian history. All private businesses, as well as charities and NGOs, are Continue readingThe Business Wage Subsidy: Trickle-Down Economics on Steroids
By Zaid Noorsumar The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) introduced this week by the Liberal government is a vast improvement over the beleaguered Employment Insurance system but still excludes many people. The CERB applications are expected to be available online on April 6 with payments to be issued within 10 days. Recipients will be paid Continue readingHoles in the safety net: CERB and EI coverage falls short