Employees locked out at Sudbury Racetrack slots | One year after – The Rise and Fall(?) of the BCTF | Elementary teachers threaten one day strikes in October | CUPE raises concerns about privatizing hospital services | Ottawa’s ‘Unruly’ Cabbies: Explaining the lockout | Saskatoon transit union sees ‘progress’ year after lockout | DOA plays for locked out workers in punk rock protest | Saskatchewan’s creeping healthcare privatization | Final selections for Canadian Labour International Film Festival
Employees locked out at Sudbury Racetrack slots
The Sudbury Star, September 19, 2015
Seventy-two workers, including all staff except security, are off the job after contract talks broke off Friday between the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. and Unifor, which represents some 7,000 at gaming sites across the province.
The Rise and Fall(?) of the BCTF
Rankandfile.ca, September 18, 2015
Just one year ago, BC teachers returned to class from what was the longest teacher strike in Canadian history. Teachers, upset with over a decade of deteriorating funding and particularly with large and complex classrooms, were unwilling to accept a contract offer which simply maintained the status quo. In one of the highest strike mandates in the BCTF’s history, they chose to strike. But a year later, class sizes are as large as ever. This article examines what we can learn from the last decade of struggle by the BC teachers’ union about strategy and rank and file-ism.
Elementary teachers threaten one day strikes in October
Hamilton Spectator, September 18, 2015
The union for Ontario’s public elementary teachers will begin rotating, one-day strikes in October unless the government and school boards return to the bargaining table and progress is made, says a confidential bulletin sent out to members.
CUPE raises concerns about privatizing hospital services
CBC, September 18, 2015
Unionized workers are ramping up their fight against the Gallant government’s plan to privatize the management of hospital food and cleaning services.
Ottawa’s ‘Unruly’ Cabbies: Explaining the lockout
Rankandfile.ca, September 17, 2015
If you believe the mainstream media, Ottawa’s airport is under siege by a an unruly mob of tax drivers since the lockout began on August 11. For the most shrill commentators, it’s a full-on “crisis”. But read on for the real story.
Saskatoon’s transit union sees ‘progress’ a year after lockout
The Star Phoenix, September 17, 2015
Nearly a year after a lockout that crippled Saskatoon’s already beleaguered transit system, the president of Saskatoon’s transit workers union sees reason for optimism.
DOA plays for locked out workers in punk rock protest
CBC, September 17, 2015
Though the band is from Vancouver, punk legends D.O.A. just helped create a prototypical Hamilton moment. The band tore through a set of fast-paced material Thursday, set up in the shadow of the Burlington Street overpass, directly across from the Max Aicher North America (MANA) plant where workers have been locked out for more than two years.
Saskatchewan’s creeping healthcare privatization
Rankandfile.ca, September 16, 2015
Rankandfile.ca editor Gerard Di Trolio spoke with Michael Butler, National Health Care Campaigner at the Council of Canadians, about what the Brad Wall government is doing to health care in Saskatchewan.
Final selections for Canadian Labour International Film Festival
Canadian Labour International Film Festival, September 14, 2015
The Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLiFF) is pleased to announce its 2015 festival line-up. After reviewing a record breaking number of films from more than 97 countries, the CLiFF Board of Directors and Selection Committee members have chosen the films which will be shown across Canada.