Dave Bush speaks with Nora Loreto, author of the newly released book From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement. The book examines the current state of unions and seeks to explain the trade union movement to a younger generation of workers. In this interview Nora explains the challenges facing the labour movement and what unions and rank and file activists can do to challenge neoliberalism and grow the union movement.
If you are interested in reading an insightful review of Nora’s book, take at a look at Samantha Ponting’s piece onĀ From Demonized to Organized published on rankandfile.ca. If you are interested in ordering a copy of Nora’s book either as an individual or as a union contact the CCPA.
Click below for the interview.
[audio:https://www.rankandfile.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nora-loreto-interview.mp3|titles=Nora Loreto interview]