Democracy in Bolivia is under attack. A military coup has ousted the democratically elected President, Evo Morales. Now, trade unionists and Indigenous peoples are facing violent attacks from the military and the right wing. Our government has shamefully supported this coup. These are two draft resolutions you can use in your union to raise awareness and show solidarity with the people of Bolivia who are opposing an undemocratic coup. Please email if your union passes a resolution condemning the coup in Bolivia.
Not to the Coup in Bolivia Resolution
Whereas Evo Morales, the first Indigenous President in the history of majority-Indigenous Bolivia, was forced to resign by the head of the country’s armed forces in a military coup. His resignation comes as his supporters, including many trade union activists, have been the target of violent attacks, with some having their homes ransacked and burned down and some even being shot and killed; and
Whereas the governments of Mexico, Uruguay, and the president-elect of Argentina have all condemned the military coup. The coup has also been condemned by the head of the Labor Party in the United Kingdom Jeremy Corbyn, U.S. Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, U.S. congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the President of the AFL-CIO Richard Trumka, as well as the International Trade Union Confederation; and
Whereas in Canada, NDP MPs such as Matthew Green, Don Davies and Niki Ashton and Quebec solidaire MNA Catherine Dorion have also condemned the military coup; and
Whereas the coup in Bolivia is an attack on democratic, Indigenous and workers’ rights everywhere. Morales, who won the election by a wide margin, is being painted as undemocratic by governments that support the coup such as Canada and the United States. But there is no evidence to suggest the election results were fraudulent. Morales even offered to rerun the elections, but the opposition and the military refused. Trade unionists have a responsibility to oppose our government’s support for the military removal of Morales and the crushing of democratic rights in Bolivia; and
Whereas strengthening the global labour movement and building relationships with workers around the world is essential to our collective fight for human and labour rights, decent work, strong public services, justice and peace; and
Whereas this motion will provide support in solidarity with the working people of Bolivia and the respect for Bolivia’s democratic institutions; therefore
Be it resolved that [INSERT ORGANIZATION] condemn the coup in Bolivia; and
Be it further resolved that [INSERT ORGANIZATION] condemn that violent repression of trade unionists and Indigenous activists in Bolivia by the coup supporters and armed forces; and
Be it further resolved that [INSERT ORGANIZATION] publicly oppose the Canadian government’s support for this coup, demand our government withdraw all support for a coup in Bolivia, and support the restoration of democracy and the safe return of Evo Morales; and
Be it further resolved that [INSERT ORGANIZATION] call on the Canadian Labour Congress to oppose the coup and demand that the Canadian government also oppose the coup and call for the restoration of democracy and the safe return of Evo Morales.
OFL Draft Resolution
Be it resolved that [INSERT LABOUR ORGANIZATION] submit the following emergency resolution to be considered at the upcoming convention of the Ontario Federation of Labour.
OFL Emergency Resolution – Coup d’etat in Bolivia
Whereas democratically elected Evo Morales, the first Indigenous President in the history of majority-Indigenous Bolivia, was forced to resign on November 10, 2019; and
Whereas the governments of Mexico, Uruguay, and the president-elect of Argentina have condemned the coup. The coup has also been condemned by world leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the President of the AFL-CIO Richard Trumka, as well as the International Trade Union Confederation; therefore
Be it resolved that the OFL condemn the coup in Bolivia; and
Be it further resolved that the OFL write a public statement that denounces Canada’s support for this coup and calls for our government to support the restoration of democracy and the safe return of Evo Morales; and
Be it further resolved that the OFL call on the CLC to oppose the coup and write a similar public statement.
Word count: 125 (145 – 20 bolded words)