From the LabourStart 2016 conference in Toronto on May 8, 2016:
The global labour movement has long criticized Israel for human and trade union rights violations and abuse of Palestinian workers, while workers in Palestine are resisting oppression and building a movement we can support. Trade unions and federations of labour in Canada are heeding the call for solidarity made by 170 Palestinian organizations for a Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Let’s discuss how we can continue to build this solidarity.
Natalie Guay, Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
Mike Palecek, Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)
Mary-Jo Nadeau, Faculty for Palestine (F4P)
Hassan Husseini, Ottawa CUPE District Council
Harald Haukaa Fjoertoft says
Dear friends of Palestine. Here in Norway I am working on establishing a trade unionist international solidarity web for the Palestinian trade unions, and we have just been to Palestine with an Irish trade unionist group to share our programs and contacts. Do you have some contacts and addresses that I might use in this work?
The Palestine Committee of Norway
Workmates Intenational Norway
Harald Haukaa Fjoertoft
International Coordinator