CAW: Pensions and Benefits Department
The Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) is looking to hire a staff person for 6-month contract in the union’s Pensions and Benefits Department.
More information about the position and how to apply can be found here.
New Brunswick Nurses’ Union
Communications Specialist
The New Brunswick Nurses’ Union, representing 6800 nurses in New Brunswick, invites applications for the position of Communications Specialist. This position welcomes an enthusiastic, highly motivated individual who thrives in a fast paced environment. We are committed to providing a high quality of service and staying connected to our members using the latest methods and technology available.
More information about the position and how to apply can be found here.
Research Officer
The NBNU is also looking for a Research Officer which is responsible for the union’s research needs and tasked with developing an annual research program to support collective bargaining and other issues relevant to the NBNU.
More information about the position and how to apply can be found here.