Every two years, a handful of movers and shakers north of the 49th parallel make their way to Chicago to take part in cross-border conspiring with thousands of North American labour activists. The Feb. 15 early bird registration deadline is fast approaching. Don’t miss out.
Want to bring stories of struggle back to Canada? Help RankandFile.ca cover the conference. Get in touch with us.
2016 Labor Notes Conference, April 1-3 in Chicago
Get in touch with the labor movement’s fighting spirit—meet us in Chicago!
Labor Notes Conferences are the biggest gatherings out there of grassroots union activists, worker center leaders, and all-around troublemakers. Don’t miss a weekend of inspiration, education, and agitation.
- Join thousands of union members, officers, and labor activists who are on the front lines in our workplaces and our communities, organizing new workers and agitating together. Meet troublemakers from around the country and around the world.
- More than 100 meetings and workshops include creative organizing tactics, beating apathy, running for local union office, winning contract campaigns, bargaining over technology, understanding the economy, life after “right to work,” and reviving the strike.
- Organize with others in your union, industry, or campaign. Face-to-face meetings to share tactics and swap notes are the heart of the Labor Notes Conference. Join an existing industry, union, or caucus meeting—or contact us to set one up.
Workshops and meetings begin at 1 p.m. Friday, April 1, and end at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 3.
$150 (Early Bird Special: $105 before February 15!)
Some scholarships are available. Please apply here.
Hyatt Regency O’Hare: 9300 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Rosemont, IL
Hotel Rooms
$125 for up to four people
Available for a donation for children over 1 year old. Request by March 15.
Conference Flyer
Keku Armquasi-Armuzuah says
The Local Union of Ghana Ports And Harbours Authority will be very grateful if an invitation can be extended to us to participate in the subsequent conferences.