The editorial board would like to wish our readers, contributors, and donors a happy New Year! We have big plans for 2015. Here’s a snapshot of what’s to come:
- Introduce an honorarium for writers / contributors
- Attend and provide coverage of the 2015 Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies (CAWLS) conference in Ottawa
- Boost email subscriptions to 1,300
- Increase the number of readers and contributors from Western Canada, Northern Canada, and Quebec
- Increase the total number of contributors to 50 from the current 35
- Adding two individuals to’s volunteer editorial board (with consideration for gender equity)
- Building institutional relationships with other independent and progressive media
- Purchase and release a line of swag
- Develop a monthly donor / sustainer base
- Draw more contributors and donors from unions and labour councils
- Increase the number of articles focused on ecological sustainability and environmentalism
- Increase monthly views to over 60,000 (15,000 unique viewers per month)
- Publish 20 original articles per month
In Solidarity,
The editorial team
Samantha Ponting
Andrew Stevens
Doug Nesbitt
Gerard di Trolio
Dave Bush