Deena Ladd, co-founder of the Worker’s Action Centre in Toronto and coordinator for Ontario’s $15 and Fairness campaign.
Rank and File Radio – Prairies Edition wanted to talk to Deena because a group of workers here in Manitoba, including myself, are launching a grassroots Fight for $15 and Fairness campaign here to raise the minimum wage, improve working conditions, and increase access to unionization.
Deena Ladd shares her experience as someone who has already been through this struggle, won $15 in Ontario as well as improved employment standards through Bill 148, and is now fighting hard against the potential rollback of Bill 148 which the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has been pressuring premier Doug Ford to do. Ontario’s minimum wage has been increasing incrementally and is currently at $14 with the final increase to occur on January 1st, 2019.
The Manitoba campaign launch is Monday, September 24, 4:30 PM outside Portage Place.
There are two volunteer training sessions on October 3 and October 16 for people who want to learn more about the campaign, the history of the Fight for $15 movement and how to get more involved.
For more information about Fight for $15 & Fairness Manitoba visit…-15-and-fairness/
For more information about the Worker’s Action Centre and $15 and Fairness Ontario visit:
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