A Solidarity Message for CUPE 3902 and 3903 By Jeff Noonan Originally published at Jeff Noonan: Interventions and Evocations The essence of an unjust society is to continually demand and take from those with the least the little that they have to support their lives and life-goals and add it to the money-value hoards of Continue readingThe Public Value of Public Sector Strikes
Last week RankandFile.ca interviewed Roxanne Barnes and Myles Magner from OPSEU at the union’s rally against Premier Wynne’s austerity agenda. Barnes, OPSEU’s chair of the Central/Unified bargaining team for the Ontario Public Service (OPS), and Magner, the regional Vice President of OPSEU Region 5, offer insight about the union’s bargaining and mobilization strategy for the OPS contract Continue readingRankandFile.ca Interview: OPS bargaining and mobilization
Over 800 OPSEU members converged on Queen’s Park in Toronto, Ontario at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning to send a loud message to the Kathleen Wynne Liberals: Spend public dollars on public sector services and public sector workers. Ontario’s Auditor General reported that the Wynne Liberals spent $8.2 billion too much for 75 major infrastructure projects. Continue readingWeekend Video: What could you do with 8.2?
By David Bush Over 800 OPSEU members and allies rallied in front of the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday morning to welcome back sitting MPP’s with a strong anti-austerity message. The rally organized by OPSEU and supported by other public sector unions in the province such as AMAPCEO, CUPE, ONA and PEGO, was called to put pressure Continue readingOPSEU says no to Wynne’s austerity agenda
A Report Back from the Good Jobs Summit in Toronto By Alex Hunsberger From Oct. 3 to 5, approximately 1000 participants gathered at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto to engage in a discussion about what is happening in the job market – what are good jobs, why are they disappearing, and how can labour and Continue readingGood Jobs or Bad Strategy?
By Alex Hunsberger The defeat of the Tim Hudak-led Ontario Progressive-Conservative (PC) Party in the June 12 Ontario general election was indeed remarkable. Though facing a scandal-plagued Liberal government, the PCs were unable to take advantage of the Liberals’ weaknesses and end their decade in exile from the government benches. Attempting to recreate the success of Continue readingMeasuring Liberal austerity: a detailed analysis of Budget 2014
By David Bush The provincial election in Ontario was fundamentally about Tim Hudak’s austerity agenda, specifically his plan to cut 100,000 public sector jobs. There were of course local and regionally differences in terms of what motivated voters, but ultimately this election was a referendum on Hudak’s plan. And on that front what happened was Continue readingHudak’s gone but the austerity agenda remains