Allen Mankewich has over 15 years of experience working in the public and non-profit sector, working on a number of different disability-related initiatives. A highlight of his career was participating in the United States Government’s International Visitor Leadership Program in 2015, where he learned how advocates, disability organizations and different levels of government work together Continue readingRank & File Radio: Improving handi-transit & sidewalk clearing
BC teachers win big court victory for education services Roger Annis, January 29, 2014 Ontario raises minimum wage to $11/hour CBC January 30, 2014 CN, union to talk after contract rejected Toronto Star January 31, 2014 Mount Allison strikers get national show of support CBC January 31, 2014 Interview: Kathleen Wynne and Ontario’s minimum Continue readingLabour News Update – February 3 2014
On Thursday, November 29, the Canadian Union of Public Employees Saskatchewan held a Solidarity Conference in Regina. Mahlon Mitchell, the State President of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin, the union representing firefighters in the state, delivered an energetic and moving speech to CUPE members and the union leadership in attendance. In 2012, Mitchell ran Continue readingMahlon Mitchell, State President, Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin at the CUPE Saskatchewan Solidarity Conference, November 29
Union advantage A recent report released by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) shows that the average unionized worker makes over $5 an hour more than their non-unionized counterparts. This comes to a culmulative value of almost $800 million each week across the unionized workforce. The report, titled “The Union Advantage in Canadian Communities”, is based Continue readingWeekly news update, 28 September 2012
Wisconsin | Canadian pension plans | Davis Day, Cape Breton | Wages and CEO compensation in the U.S. | Iraqi oil workers | Hyundai receives 22,000 applications for 877 jobs | Report on trade union rights | Wisconsin In a major setback for workers in Wisconsin and beyond, the state’s Republican Governor Scott Walker survived Continue readingWeekly news update, June 13, 2012