By Lee Gilchrist On Monday June 6, 51-year-old welder Quoc Le was crushed under a 2,000 pound bulkhead while working on a rail car. Le was pronounced dead after paramedics rushed him to hospital. Le’s workplace death is the third at National Steel Car in 21 months. Labour responded immediately by calling a protest at Continue readingHamilton unions attack National Steel Car’s bloody record
On May 9th 1992 an explosion ripped apart the Westray Coal Mine in Pictou County, Nova Scotia killing 26 miners. The Fifth Estate and the Journal co-produced this story about the tragedy. The mine was opened the year before despite misgivings that the geology of the area was unstable and prone to large volumes of Continue readingWeekend Video: Westray
Halifax cabbies | CP Rail | CAW 444 elections | Saint John media workers | Global youth unemployment | Toronto’s working poor | Flaherty’s EI reforms | Corporate criminal negligence | Charest’s Bill 78 Halifax cabbies consider unionizing Taxi drivers in Halifax, Nova Scotia are considering unionizing. Gary Jollymore, an independent cab driver in the city, Continue readingWeekly labour news update, May 23 2012