Unpaid work | PIPSC convention | Canadian Hockey League | Ontario colleges | Campbellton, NB lockout | BC public sector bargaining | Saskatchewan privatization | Temporary Foreign Workers Program | Federal sick leave | Marikana massacre | San Francisco minimum wage Encouraging youth to engage in unpaid work is a recipe for exploitation Jerry Dias, Continue readingRankandfile.ca Labour News Update: November 10, 2014
Weekly News
Rail safety | EI reform fiasco | Bill C-377 | NGF Guelph strike | Saskatoon transit lockout | Live-in caregiver program | Good Jobs Summit | Pensions study | ETFO anti-racism | Canada-Korea Free Trade | Ontario health and safety | Dalhousie post-docs Rail Safety New Teamsters TV Commercial on rail safety Train cars that Continue readingRankandFile.ca Labour News Update: October 13, 2014
Nova Scotia’s Bill 1 | US Steel | Montreal firefighters | Saskatoon transit lockout | EI Reform | Migrant farm workers | Lac-Mégantic & rail safety | Edmonton senior care workers | Mount Pearl lockout | Guelph glass strike | UWindsor tentative agreement | Hong Kong strikes for democracy Nova Scotia’s Bill 1 Nova Scotia Continue readingRankandFile.ca Labour News Update: October 6, 2014
BC teachers | Bill C-377 | Montreal pensions protest | Saskatoon transit lockout | Alberta pension bills | Nova Scotia’s Bill 37 | US Steel bankruptcy | Richmond IKEA lockout | Cornwall wildcat strike | Winnipeg municipal workers | Calgary parks privatization BC Teachers’ strike BC Teachers’ Strike – Lessons Learned Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential Continue readingRankandFile.ca Labour News Update: September 22, 2014
BC teachers | Baristas Rise Up | Bombardier strike | Federal minimum wage | Federal PS bargaining | Regina pensions | Cameco lockout | Native court workers | Edmonton senior care layoffs | Temporary foreign workers | Ontario mines safety report | Kellogg’s London Striking BC teachers 99.4 percent for binding arbitration Tamsyn Burgmann, CTV Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour News Update: September 15, 2014
B.C. Teachers’ Strike | E.I. Program | Fight For 15 | University of Windsor Faculty | Saskatoon Transit negotiations | Richtree Market ruling | Farm Workers | Shawinigan paper plant closure | Canada Post | Laurentian faculty negotiations | NDP and working class politics | Possible St. John’s strike Nearly $10K pledged to teachers in campaign to donate $40/day child care payments Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour News Update: September 8, 2014
University of Windsor faculty strike vote | Bombardier Strike | Quebec public sector workers’ pension fight | Cameco workers vote to strike | Kellogg’s plant closure | Ontario Teachers | Temporary Foreign Workers Program | Regina workers pension fight | Canada Post | Striking Bombardier workers briefly occupy Metrolinx office Brian Platt, Toronto Star Continue readingRankandFile.ca’s weekly labour news update – August 18, 2014
BC teachers strike | Solidarity with Palestinians | Quebec public sector workers’ pension| Unemployment numbers | Just in time delivery | Manufacturing crisis | Mount Polly disaster | ArcelorMittal lockout | Saskatchewan nurses Canada’s Manufacturing Crisis Worst Among 19 Industrialized Countries Daniel Tencer, Huffington Post Canada August 8, 2014 We’re often told that Canada’s crisis Continue readingRankandFile.ca’ weekly labour news update – August 11, 2014
Regina city pension plans | Solidarity with Palestinians | Foreign workers | Pension plans and CPP | Union busting, 1980s style | CUPE in Detroit | Feminists in Canadian history … or, feminist erased from Canadian history | BC teachers strike | Bombardier strike Regina council silent on pension plan Natascia Lypny, Leader-Post July 29, 2014 Continue readingRankandFile.ca’s weekly labour news update – August 4, 2014
University of Windsor | B.C. Midwives | Thunder Bay Bombardier strike | Rogers’ layoffs | CP Rail safety | #BoycottIKEA | Guelph transit lockout | Save Canada Post | Contracting out IKEA rapped for unfair labour practices in year-long lockout CBC Jul 25, 2014 The union representing locked-out workers at IKEA’s flagship store in Richmond, Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour News Update – July 28, 2014
BC Teachers’ Strike | Federal Sick Leave | Thunder Bay Bombardier strike | Ontario Works | CLC | #BoycottIKEA | Sawmill Explosion Investigation | First Responders and Suicide | Why the stakes are high at Bombardier’s strike-bound Thunder Bay plant Dana Flavelle, Toronto Star July 18, 2014 The Thunder Bay plant that builds streetcars, subway Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour Update – July 21, 2014
Canada Post privatization | Temporary Foreign Workers | Thunder Bay Bombardier strike | sex work | Education debates | Energizer plant closure | Toronto Wheel-Trans wage cuts | Labour Force Survey | LA, Long Beach trucker strike The Smoking Gun: Harper’s plan to privatize Canada Post Mike Palecek, Rabble.ca July 11, 2014 After repeated denials Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour Update – July 14 2014