Rail safety | EI reform fiasco | Bill C-377 | NGF Guelph strike | Saskatoon transit lockout | Live-in caregiver program | Good Jobs Summit | Pensions study | ETFO anti-racism | Canada-Korea Free Trade | Ontario health and safety | Dalhousie post-docs Rail Safety New Teamsters TV Commercial on rail safety Train cars that Continue readingRankandFile.ca Labour News Update: October 13, 2014
transportation industry
By David Bush Barring a last minute agreement nearly a thousand workers at the Bombardier rail plant in Thunder Bay are set to hit the picket lines Monday at 2pm. The workers, who are unionized with Unifor 1075, voted almost unanimously in favour of a strike. The main issues that are preventing a deal is Bombardier’s Continue readingBombardier workers in Thunder Bay set to strike Monday
BC teachers strike | Impark workers | Ontario minimum wage | Save Canada Post | Nova Scotia nurses | Lac-Mégantic fallout | Manitoba NDP & IBEW | GO Transit Why I’m on the picket line Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential May 31 2014 I believe I deserve a raise, but just like other teachers, that isn’t Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour Update – June 2, 2014
Thankless toiling at Canada’s flagship airline Writing on condition of anonymity, a veteran Air Canada employee talks about work at Canada’s flagship airline and puts into context the “bag toss” incident witnessed by a passenger at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport last week. The two Air Canada employees, who were recorded dropping luggage into bins several Continue readingA Glamorous Job at Air Canada?
By Roger Annis The lengthy strike by truck drivers at the Port of Vancouver BC who move half of the port’s shipping containers has been settled. An agreement was reached on March 26 that will see an increase of 12 per cent to the rate paid to truckers to move each container. The contentious issue Continue readingBC government and Port of Vancouver back down and settle truckers strike
By the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group, March 26, 2014 Chrysler Corporation announced last month that it plans to invest $3.5 billion to retool its assembly plants in Windsor and Brampton, Ontario and produce new lines of vehicles. But it set two big conditions—that the federal and Ontario governments provide $700 million in subsidies, and that the Continue readingEnd Chrysler subsidies: New transport vision needed
By Roger Annis, March 20, 2014 The BC government has announced back to work legislation for the 400 Unifor truck driving members on strike at the Port of Vancouver since March 10. The Port is simultaneously embarked on a union-busting solution to the parallel strike of 1,200-1,400 independent-operator truckers. It says it will not renew Continue readingBC and federal governments move to end Vancouver port strike
The Vancouver Ecosocialist Group, including the trade unionists listed below, have issued this open letter to the International Longshore Warehouse Union. It responds to the union’s offer of a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of climate change protesters at the Port Metro Vancouver’s office. The open letter was originally published by Continue readingOpen letter: union needs to back climate change protesters, not persecute them
Oil train derailment in Alberta and gas fracking protest in New Brunswick add to fossil fuel industry woes in Canada By Roger Annis, first published in the Vancouver Observer, October 24, 2013 Another oil train derailment and explosion in Canada has sent nearby residents fleeing from their homes in the middle of the night. It happened Continue readingLabour news update: October 28, 2013
by Lindsay Hinshelwood On Sept. 19, 2013, it was announced that another $135 million of taxpayers’ money will be invested at the Ford Motor Company of Canada’s Oakville Assembly Complex (OAC). Jerry Dias, newly elected Unifor national president, claimed at an Oakville news conference, “We won this investment. We earned this investment. We absolutely fought Continue readingAuto Industry Hit and Run
We continue our weeklong series of interviews with Unifor union leaders, staff, and rank-and-file members. Today we speak with Lindsay Hinshelwood, an assembly line worker at Ford Oakville and a member of Unifor Local 707, formerly of the Canadian Autoworkers. [audio:https://www.rankandfile.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/LHfinal.mp3|titles=Lindsay Hinshelwood interview] Lindsay is a rank-and-file Unifor member who ran from the floor for Continue readingUnifor Interview Series: Lindsay Hinshelwood, Local 707
Over 50 people are reported dead and scores more injured after the catastrophic rail disaster in the small Quebec town of Lac-Mégantic.