By James Wilt Since November 2, more than 1,200 members of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)—including professors, librarians, lecturers, and instructors—have been on strike following a strong 85 percent strike mandate in mid-October. This strike comes only five years after the last by UMFA in 2016. The main issue is salaries. Since 2016, Continue readingStudent Organizing 101 at the UMFA strike
On Sunday night hours from a strike deadline, CUPE representing 55,000 Ontario education workers, announced they achieved restored services for students and a fair contract for workers. For months, the government has been playing hardball with workers, students and parents in the education system. But workers, students and parents are fighting back. CUPE’s incredible win Continue readingWalk-in to Fight Ford’s Education Cuts
On Friday, September 27th, an estimated 12,000 people met in front of the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg to participate in a global climate strike, organized by Indigenous youth and students. But where was organized labour? After the rousing conference and events marking the 1919 General Strike Centenary earlier this year, is labour leadership more interested Continue readingWhere was Organized Labour at Winnipeg’s Climate Strike?
“We’ve heard that people like to make memes about Doug Ford. Could you describe one of them?” asks a journalist from a mainstream media outlet. “I’m sorry, I can’t,” replies Amina Vance, an 18-year-old organizer of the Students Say No (SSN) group fighting Ford’s cuts to public education. “Let me tell you another story.” Memes Continue readingLessons from high-school organizers fighting Ford’s education cuts
Today on Rank & File Radio, teachers and students fighting for quality, public education. We’ll hear from Megan Linton, from the Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Federation of Students, on creating a prairie solidarity network for students to connect, share knowledge and organizing skills. And we’ll hear an excerpt of my interview with Eric Blanc, Continue readingBuilding Student & Teacher Prairie Solidarity
By Doug Nesbitt and David Bush Ontario secondary school students organized the biggest walkout in the province’s history on April 4. Somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 students from over 700 high schools participated. Walkouts even spread to elementary schools. This is the second major student walk out in the province since the Tories were elected. Continue readingOntario’s Spring: Students lead, labour must follow
By Emily Leedham Amelia Deneka, a student and first time organizer disrupts a United Conservative Party meet and greet at the University of Alberta on Wednesday, March 6. In what could be a result of the protest, UCP leader Jason Kenney ended up not speaking at the event. Deneka shares why they organized the event Continue readingManitoba’s Austerity Budget & Protesting Jason Kenney
Well, quite a bit. The University of Regina Faculty Association which represents 1400 employees, attained a strike mandate in November 2018, seeking wage increases to match inflation and job security for sessional instructors, among other things. URFA’s contract expired in June 2017. URFA and Administration are currently in mediation. And the U of R Students’ Continue readingWhat is going on at the University of Regina?
By Rick Telfer and Andy Crosby Students, activists, and labour movement leaders are sounding the alarm about the devastating impact the Ford government’s plans for post-secondary education will have on the system’s accessibility and democracy. On Jan. 17, the Ford government announced it was – ostensibly – taking three major steps towards ensuring affordability of post-secondary Continue readingFord takes aim at student unions
By Doug Nesbitt and David Bush Thousands of students from every corner of the province walked out of classes today and yesterday in a massive show of opposition to the recent attacks on education, including its rollback of the “sex ed” curriculum, and cancellation of discussions to include more Indigenous knowledge and history in school Continue readingStudent walkouts against Ford show labour the way
By David Bush Incredibly loud and extremely joyous, that’s how over 200 food service workers at York University in Toronto kicked off their one-day strike. The Aramark workers, members of Unite Here Local 75, walked off the job yesterday for increased pay, improved benefits and respect at work. Malka Paracha, a food service supervisor at Continue readingAramark gets served: York food workers strike back
By Jesse Cullen Students play an unique and important role in our society (disclaimer: I am a student). By virtue of attending a college or a university, students generate wealth as whole industries and communities are built around post-secondary institutions. Through college apprenticeships, university research, learning, and teaching, students produce social goods such as knowledge, Continue readingStudent unions as a weapon for the working class