by Mike Palacek Canadian Union of Postal Workers president I was recently recommended a book on the way the world is expected to change as a result of emerging technologies. The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab reads like a poorly-written dystopian science fiction novel. As the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Continue readingReview: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
This is the second and final part of a interview with Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, author of Labour of Liberation. The book is published by a new, radical publisher, Changing Suns Press. Providing care to the sick is one of the most universal labours that exists across human societies. How do we understand the work that Continue reading“A Labour of Liberation”: An interview with author Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, Part 2 co-editor, Andrew Stevens, interviewed Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, author of A Labour of Liberation. The book is published by a new, radical publisher, Changing Suns Press. Providing care to the sick is one of the most universal labours that exists across human societies. How do we understand the work that goes into this vital collective task? Continue reading“A Labour of Liberation”: An interview with author Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, Part 1
By Jason Edwards A video made for employees of Target, titled “Think Hard: Protect Your Signature,” warning employees about the potential perils of signing a union support card, has been shared widely online as of late. Many viewers have greeted it as an entertaining (yet infuriating) example of the condescending, misleading, and “cheesy” way big Continue readingThink Hard or Hardly Thinking? Target’s Anti-Union Propaganda
By Samantha Ponting Nora Loreto’s newly published book, From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement, should be added to the toolkit of any educator interested in collective consciousness raising in the 21st century. The book’s last few chapters serve as valuable reading material for Canada’s current union leadership, who need to come to Continue readingA Review of Nora Loreto’s From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement
[audio:|titles=November 14 2012 interview] interviewed Lorne Brown, Professor Emeritus at the University of Regina and author of Trade Unions and Canadian Democracy: Democracy, Labour Laws, and Workers’ Rights, published by Next Year Country Books in 2012. In 2008, Lorne was retained by the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour as an expert witness in the legal Continue readingInterview with Lorne Brown, November 14, 2012