CLC Presidential Race | Temporary foreign workers | BC sawmill explosions | BC teachers | Crown Holdings Toronto strike | Chinese shoe factory strike | Toledo autoworkers strike | Federal job cuts | Tuition fees & work hours | Nova Scotia & right-to-strike CLC Presidential Race CLC Presidential Candidate Primer Candidate websites Hassan Husseini: “Take Continue Weekly Labour Update – April 21 2014
post-secondary education
On March 10 the fifty members of OPSEU 404, representing Carleton University campus security, went on strike to win a first contract after unionizing in 2013. Ottawa’s labour movement has responded by strengthening the picket lines, while Carleton University’s administration has brought in scabs from the private security firms Garda and Securitas. Samantha Ponting conducted Continue readingInterview: The OPSEU strike at Carleton U
BC teachers win big court victory for education services Roger Annis, January 29, 2014 Ontario raises minimum wage to $11/hour CBC January 30, 2014 CN, union to talk after contract rejected Toronto Star January 31, 2014 Mount Allison strikers get national show of support CBC January 31, 2014 Interview: Kathleen Wynne and Ontario’s minimum Continue readingLabour News Update – February 3 2014
In this week’s update: the campaign to save Canada Post Ten months: the strike at Labatt’s in St. John’s Public service showdown with Tories in 2014 Concessions at Boeing CUPE National squashes drive in Ottawa Cambodian garment workers murdered by police New dangers for foreign workers in Canada Top CEOs rake in average salary in Continue readingLabour News Update – 6 January 2014
In our third installment of the Unifor Interview Series with union leaders, staff, and rank-and-file members, we speak with Roxanne Dubois about Unifor’s Community Chapters. Roxane is a staff member of the CEP and now Unifor, and is a former chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students. She presented a discussion paper on community chapters Continue readingUnifor Interview Series: Roxanne Dubois on Community Chapters
Twenty-two Porter Airlines fuel technicians have been on strike in Toronto since January 10, while the St. Francis Xavier university teachers have been on strike since January 28. The Porter workers are represented by COPE local 343 and the teachers by the St.FX Association of University Teachers. The striking workers at Porter have been getting Continue readingStrike Solidarity in Toronto and Antigonish