By Chloe Rockarts Over four thousand workers at 46 not for profit nursing homes in New Brunswick voted 90% in favour of a strike on March 7. The workers, who have been without a contract since 2016, rejected the 1% increase the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes had put on the table, and issued Continue readingNew Brunswick nursing home workers fight back
New Brunswick
By Jean-Claude Basque It is time for New Brunswick to increase its minimum wage. And contrary to the view of opponents, there are many convincing arguments for adopting this policy change. Consider that for the past 15 years, the number of workers at the minimum wage has fluctuated between six and ten per cent of Continue readingIt’s time for a higher N.B. minimum wage
By Robert Devet Striking Covered Bridge workers in Hartland, New Brunswick, are making little headway with their employer, a staunch union buster. An all-out effort to persuade consumers to boycott the potato chips he makes may bring him to his senses. Members of United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (UFCW) Local 1288P have been out Continue readingFight for fairness at New Brunswick’s Covered Bridge Potato Chips
By Gerard Di Trolio Right now, scabs are the secret ingredient in Covered Bridge Potato Chips made near Hartland, New Brunswick. After members of UFCW 1288P began their strike for a first contract on January 5, Covered Bridge turned to scab labour. Workers are seeking their first collective agreement with Covered Bridge after voting to Continue readingBoycott Scab Chips
Loblaws is pressuring its New Brunswick workers to scab in Ontario The following is a message from Patrick Colford, New Brunswick Federation of Labour president. Colford reports that Loblaws is pressuring its non-union Atlantic Superstores employees in New Brunswick to scab on striking Loblaws workers in Ontario. It is reported that Loblaws is threatening Continue readingFresh produce, dirty scabbing: The Loblaws model
Unpaid work | PIPSC convention | Canadian Hockey League | Ontario colleges | Campbellton, NB lockout | BC public sector bargaining | Saskatchewan privatization | Temporary Foreign Workers Program | Federal sick leave | Marikana massacre | San Francisco minimum wage Encouraging youth to engage in unpaid work is a recipe for exploitation Jerry Dias, Continue Labour News Update: November 10, 2014
By Patrick Colford On the evening of October 16, 40 people demonstrated outside the Dieppe Canada Post mailing process plant to protest mail leaving New Brunswick for sorting in Nova Scotia. The demonstration was organized by the Moncton Labour Council and the New Brunswick Federation of Labour and saw participation from the CLC, local unions, and other community allies who oppose the Continue readingWorkers picket Dieppe postal depot
In this week’s labour news update: Bill 115 & Ontario teachers OLRB ruling: Ontario government vs ETFO Idle No More Porter Airlines strike Walmart challenge in Saskatchewan New Brunswick nurses CAW drive at Toyota “New Normal” in Canadian IR Right-to-Work in Ontario Employment Insurance Temporary Foreign Worker program The Great Walmart Walkout UAW organizing at Continue readingLabour news update – January 15 2003
Ontario teachers dispute | Verizon workers set for strike | Queen’s University staff vote on agreement | Nissan organizing, UAW | VIA Rail protest, Halifax | NB lobster protest | Labour law reform “consultation”, SK | Edmonton nurses strike