By Orion Keresztesi The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage rallied outside of the Ministry of Labour this past Wednesday at noon. It was an energetic crowd of 75 to a 100 people, a mixture of minimum-wage-earning members of the Workers’ Action Centre and their allies from Toronto anti-poverty organizations and the labour movement. It Continue readingFight for $14 still going strong after Ontario election
Minimum Wage
By Gerard Di Trolio There has been little discussion of poverty or improving the situation for Ontario’s most vulnerable workers during the provincial election, but the Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage is trying to change that. The campaign’s outreach blitzes have been happening in cities across Ontario, and their activists have also been visiting campaign Continue reading75 cents is not enough! Fight for 14 continues in Ontario
BC teachers strike | Impark workers | Ontario minimum wage | Save Canada Post | Nova Scotia nurses | Lac-Mégantic fallout | Manitoba NDP & IBEW | GO Transit Why I’m on the picket line Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential May 31 2014 I believe I deserve a raise, but just like other teachers, that isn’t Continue Weekly Labour Update – June 2, 2014
by Doug Nesbitt The current Ontario election could be an immense turning point for organized labour in the province and across Canada. As union activists know, the Tim Hudak Tories are promising devastating public sector layoffs of 100,000 people, union-wrecking right-to-work legislation, and the privatization of the already unjust Workplace Safety Insurance Board. And his Continue readingOrganizing our way out of Ontario’s political mess
Hassan Yussuff| Halifax Nurses | BC Teachers | Home Mail Delivery | Justice for Janitors | Canadian Football League | Fight for 15 | Rana Plaza | 14 Dollar Minimum Wage | Hudak’s 100,000 Job Cuts Hassan Yussuff and the ‘war on labour’ CBC, The Current May 22, 2014 Two weeks ago, Hassan Yusseff was Continue Weekly Labour Update – May 26, 2014
By David Bush In part 1 of this series I spoke with Kimberly Bowsky an activist in the Chicago Teachers’ Union (CTU) and a member of the Caucus Of Rank-and-file Educators (CORE) about how they got involved with CORE and some of the challenges the CTU faces. I also spoke to two activists in the Detroit area who are fighting Continue readingVoices From Labor Notes – Part 2
On Monday April 14 the Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage in Ontario held rallies in at least 6 communities across the province. This month’s rallies to raise the minimum wage to 14 dollars an hour were focused on the low wage earned by temp workers in the province. Workers who find jobs through temp Continue Podcast: Raise the Wage, Fight The Temp Agencies
By Gerard Di Trolio About 400 people braved the cold weather in Toronto to rally and march for a $14 per hour minimum wage in Ontario. The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage and the Ontario Federation of Labour helped organize the event. Participants met at Dundas square in the heart of Toronto’s downtown. The first speaker, Continue readingRallying For The 14 Dollar Minimum Wage