By Doug Nesbitt and Scott Price While organized labour has loudly pronounced the triumph of anti-scab legislation in federal parliament, Manitoba’s recently-elected New Democratic government has introduced two major labour law reforms that have largely flown under the radar, even in Manitoba. Automatic card check certification and anti-scab reforms are now in second reading in Continue readingLabour at the Bat: Manitoba’s new labour reforms
By James Wilt Since November 2, more than 1,200 members of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)—including professors, librarians, lecturers, and instructors—have been on strike following a strong 85 percent strike mandate in mid-October. This strike comes only five years after the last by UMFA in 2016. The main issue is salaries. Since 2016, Continue readingStudent Organizing 101 at the UMFA strike
In this podcast, Dr. Bruce Curran of the University of Manitoba talks about the Manitoba PC government’s 2017 wage restraint legislation, the Public Services Sustainability Act, and why it was struck down by the courts in 2020. Dr. Curran discusses what the court decision got right while offering up criticisms.
What do the prairie budgets say about the values of our provincial leaders? In a time of such uncertainty, how can we formulate a vision of a society that values people over profits? Joel French, Simon Enoch, and Lynne Fernandez discuss the Prairie budgets and what they mean for workers’ futures. AUPE asks for immediate Continue reading2020 Prairie Provincial Budget Review
Simon Black, professor at Brock University and organizer with Labour Against the Arms Trade, discusses labour’s role in the anti-war movement, opposing Canada’s arms trade with Saudi Arabia, and a just transition for arms manufacturing workers.
by Emily Leedham Wearing bright orange touques and signs saying “Locked Out!”, Winnipeg Tim Horton’s workers chant “No more Tim’s!” in the underground Portage & Main Pedestrian Loop. It’s lunchtime and these members of Workers United Canada Council Local 268 are telling their regular customers not to go to Tim Horton’s until their employer agrees Continue readingWinnipeg Tim Horton’s workers locked out over 10 cent pay dispute
United Steel Workers Local 9074 President Paul Lussier, who represents Supreme Steel employees, has been through several plant closures at other companies, and says he’s never seen a severance offer this disrespectful.
Winnipeg’s city council proposes an austerity budget which would close libraries, pools & cut public transit. Meanwhile, police still receive the bulk of public funds.
ATU Canada has sponsored an audio documentary called Still Waiting for the Bus: The Unnatural Death of Prairie Intercity Transit, made in partnership with Winnipeg-based documentary producer and editor Emily Leedham. This documentary explores the impacts of losing the Saskatchewan Transportation Company and Greyhound bus services in Western Canada. It also interrogates the claims that Continue readingATU demands a national public intercity transit service
On Friday, September 27th, an estimated 12,000 people met in front of the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg to participate in a global climate strike, organized by Indigenous youth and students. But where was organized labour? After the rousing conference and events marking the 1919 General Strike Centenary earlier this year, is labour leadership more interested Continue readingWhere was Organized Labour at Winnipeg’s Climate Strike?
On Monday, September 9, Winnipeg took a big step towards ending the airport-like security screening at the downtown Millennium library. The metal detector and bag check screenings were introduced by library management in February, responding to staff safety concerns. CUPE 500 President Gord Delbridge, representing Millennium Library workers, also supported the screenings. This was the Continue readingA Step Towards Removing Winnipeg’s Invasive Library Security
James Hutt, senior manager of programming at the Leap, discusses ongoing work to connect labour and climate justice movements, including an upcoming webinar.