RankandFile.ca is pleased to announce that Denise Leduc has joined the team as our Prairie Region Writer/Organizer. Denise Leduc is a writer, student and librarian. She is a member of CUPE and proud wife of a union tradesman. Her writing has appeared in Life Learning Magazine and Rabble. In the past 5 years, she has had the privilege of living in various places in three Continue readingWelcome to the RankandFile!
labor journalism
The Graphic History Collective Unionizes By Daniel Tseghay, RankandFile.ca Writer/Organizer On September 2nd, the Graphic History Collective (GHC), a volunteer-run collective producing comic books on Canada’s labour and working class history, announced that it has joined the Canadian Freelance Union (CFU). The CFU is a Community Chapter of Unifor. This type of organization gives its members some Continue readingIllustrating the Freelancer’s Organizing Model
Thanks to a generous donation from the Regina & District Labour Council (RDLC), RankandFile.ca is hiring a Prairie Region Writer/Organizer for a six-month position. This is a 6 month contract with a $1,500 honorarium (approximately $125/article). With thousands of readers from across the country, this is an excellent opportunity to promote labour issues amongst a national audience. Continue readingPrairie Region: Writer/Organizer
Calling all writers and labour activists! Rankandfile.ca is looking for contributions to a special series on “Labour and the Election.” The deadline to submit pitches for articles is Monday, Sept. 14. Contributors will receive $150 if their submission is selected. Your pitch could include such topics as: The Fight for $15 movement Work and the environment Continue readingA special series of R&F on labour and the election
First published by rozworski.org Michal Rozworski As unions and workers suffered defeats over the past few decades, so has labor journalism dwindled from a mainstay of major media outlets across Canada and the US to a relatively niche reporting interest. The past few years, however, have seen a still small but noticeable resurgence of labor Continue readingA labour journalism resurgence?