UNITE-HERE is seeking applicants for Organizer and Intern positions in Vancouver and Regina, SK (job posting and details attached). Details about the Saskatoon and Regina can now be found here. Please help spread the word about these opportunities! Feel free to contact me with any questions, or specific recommendations. Thank you! Lynn Flandera Recruiter, UNITE HERE Continue readingJob opportunity: UNITE-HERE Organizer position
job opportunity
RankandFile.ca is seeking a writer/organizer for a six month position. The new hire will work closely with our editorial team to both produce new content for the website and develop new contacts, writers and readers. The new hire will be expected to produce at least one original news story a month, participate in monthly writers Continue readingRankandFile.ca job posting: Writer/Organizer
The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) is currently recruiting to fill a vacancy to the position of Community Organizer at the SFL’s Regina office for a term expiring December 31, 2015 (with the possibility of extension). The job description for the position is attached to this posting notice. The position is full-time, and offers very Continue readingJob posting: Community organizer
Position: National Representative Location: Toronto Responsibilities: Unifor is seeking a National Representative to work out of the Research Department in the National Office in Toronto. We are looking for a dedicated and experienced individual to join our team in advancing the goals of Unifor, defending and expanding the rights of our members, and working to Continue readingJob Opportunity: Unifor Research Department
University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business Department of Business Administration Human Resource and Industrial Relations / Organizational Behaviour Applications are invited for a tenure-track position in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations (HRIR) or macro Organizational Theory (OT) in the I. H. Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. The appointment Continue readingJobs! Jobs! Job postings: CUPE and the Asper School of Business
JOB POSTING USW: Staff Representative (Research, Public Policy & Bargaining Support Department) (2 positions, Toronto & Burnaby) The Union is seeking a person with the following qualifications: University degree in economics (or related field), preferably a graduate degree and /or collective bargaining experience, particularly in the area of pensions and benefits Commitment to improving lives Continue readingJob posting & events
The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is seeking a RESEARCHER to work from our Maritimes Regional office located in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Maritimes Regional office serves all of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. GENERAL FUNCTION The bilingual Research Representative will provide research assistance to CUPE Maritimes Region servicing staff and CUPE local unions, district Continue readingJob posting: CUPE Researcher
On October 7, Rankandfile.ca spoke with Justin T., a Calgary Superstore employee and proud member of UFCW Local 401. [audio:https://www.rankandfile.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/UFCW_Justin.mp3|titles=Justin UFCW 401 interview] Earlier that day, the UFCW announced that its bargaining team had reached a tentative agreement with Loblaws, a subsidiary of George Weston Limited, Canada’s largest food retailer. No further information about the Continue readingFrom the UFCW 401 picket lines
A joint internship with the Alternative Federal Budget and the Growing Gap Project About the Alternative Federal Budget The Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) is one of the CCPA’s longest running projects, now entering its 20 th year. It consists of 27 chapters written by over 90 contributors. Each chapter examines a different federal issue and Continue readingAndrew Jackson Progressive Economics Internship
Training & Education Coordinator The Broadbent Institute is a national non-profit organization, based in Ottawa and Toronto, which is dedicated to developing and supporting individuals, organizations and policies that advance a progressive vision of compassionate citizenship.
CAW: Pensions and Benefits Department The Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) is looking to hire a staff person for 6-month contract in the union’s Pensions and Benefits Department. More information about the position and how to apply can be found here. New Brunswick Nurses’ Union Communications Specialist The New Brunswick Nurses’ Union, representing 6800 nurses in Continue readingJob postings
Job Opportunity with the CAW-Canada Pensions and Benefits Department The CAW-Canada is looking to hire a staff person in our Pensions and Benefits Department. The position will be a 6-month contract, possibly leading to a permanent position. Flexible start dates. Full information on the position can be found here: CAWpensionMay2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Employment Standards Continue readingJob postings and research opportunity: CAW & York University