By Michal Rozworski We’ve had two months of jobs data in Canada since Ontario increased it’s minimum wage from $11.60 to $14 on January 1, 2017. When January’s Labour Force Survey numbers came out and showed some of the biggest month-over-month losses in years, there was a slew of predictable, reflexive commentary blaming Ontario’s minimum wage hike. Now Continue readingJobs data doesn’t say much about the minimum wage (yet) but lots about growing inequality
By Gerard Di Trolio The early bird budget released by the Ontario Liberals is a masterful work at political triangulation covering for austerity once you cut through the smoke and mirrors of what they are calling their progressive policies. The Liberals managed to get a lot of positive media attention with their announcement that university Continue readingOntario Budget 2016: More Liberal smoke and mirrors
The Graphic History Collective Unionizes By Daniel Tseghay, Writer/Organizer On September 2nd, the Graphic History Collective (GHC), a volunteer-run collective producing comic books on Canada’s labour and working class history, announced that it has joined the Canadian Freelance Union (CFU). The CFU is a Community Chapter of Unifor. This type of organization gives its members some Continue readingIllustrating the Freelancer’s Organizing Model
By Jesse Bauman Karen Maleka is a part-time personal support worker. She works in and around Cambridge, taking care of sick people, old people, people who can no longer care for themselves. Each week she works 35 to 40 hours, and yet her employer classifies her as a part time employee. I met Karen last Continue readingHow a $15 Minimum Wage Reduces Poverty and Saves Us All Money
By the Coalition Against Precarious Work An official request was made on September 25th, 2014 by the members of the Coalition Against Precarious Work to have a meeting with Quebec’s Minister of Labour, Sam Hamad, which was scheduled for February 23rd, 2015. The meeting never happened, so we held a protest instead. Initially, we asked Continue readingMinister dodges meeting with the Coalition Against Precarious Work
By Samantha Ponting A workplace can become so toxic for a woman, and other genders that commonly face violence and discrimination, that the easiest escape is often to quit the job. I spoke with a friend last week who was complaining about how all her male co-workers belittle her and don’t value her opinions. When Continue readingStories of sexism in the workplace
CEO pay soars | Storms ahead for Quebec labour | Ontario mental health staff cuts | Castlegar agreement ratified | Corner Brook firefighters | Ontario public service bargaining | Migrant workers in Lebanon From In case you missed them during the holidays! Happy New Year from 2014: The Canadian Labour Movement in Review Continue readingR&F’s Labour News Update – January 5, 2015