By Carolyn Egan and Michelle Robidoux The election of Doug Ford as Premier of Ontario has generated much discussion about the Harris government in the 1990s – in particular, the response by trade unions and community organizations to vicious attacks by a neo-liberal government on social services, health care, education and workers’ rights. This is Continue readingDefeating Ford’s attacks: lessons from the fight against Hudak
By David Bush The provincial election in Ontario was fundamentally about Tim Hudak’s austerity agenda, specifically his plan to cut 100,000 public sector jobs. There were of course local and regionally differences in terms of what motivated voters, but ultimately this election was a referendum on Hudak’s plan. And on that front what happened was Continue readingHudak’s gone but the austerity agenda remains
CUPE Ontario Convention Report Back: May 27-31 By Grant MacNeil, convention delegate and president of CUPE local 4600 At this year’s CUPE Ontario Convention, held in Windsor, the messages delivered from the union’s leadership were fairly homogenous: things are bad, but they are getting better, and we need to do more to make Canada better Continue readingPut the NDP back in the plan?
by Doug Nesbitt The current Ontario election could be an immense turning point for organized labour in the province and across Canada. As union activists know, the Tim Hudak Tories are promising devastating public sector layoffs of 100,000 people, union-wrecking right-to-work legislation, and the privatization of the already unjust Workplace Safety Insurance Board. And his Continue readingOrganizing our way out of Ontario’s political mess
Hassan Yussuff| Halifax Nurses | BC Teachers | Home Mail Delivery | Justice for Janitors | Canadian Football League | Fight for 15 | Rana Plaza | 14 Dollar Minimum Wage | Hudak’s 100,000 Job Cuts Hassan Yussuff and the ‘war on labour’ CBC, The Current May 22, 2014 Two weeks ago, Hassan Yusseff was Continue Weekly Labour Update – May 26, 2014