The Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) Economic and Budget Outlook review has identified planned government spending savings that come via (1) announced program changes (program cuts like the government’s cut to OHIP+), (2) announced efficiency targets (identified areas where the government hopes it will find savings without service cuts), and (3) cuts that have not yet been Continue readingFord plans many more healthcare cuts
Around 400 Nurses and healthcare workers filled the front steps of the Manitoba legislature on May 1, 2019 to protest government cuts to public services, citing forced overtime and burnout among healthcare workers. In addition to these health care changes, Brian Pallister is attacking the structure of unions themselves. Bill 29 is a forced reorganization Continue readingNurses fight Manitoba’s health care crisis
By Jesse McLaren Just a few weeks after thousands of teachers, students and others rallied against Ford’s cuts to education, the Ontario Health Coalition is hosting another mass rally at Queen’s Park on April 30—this time against Ford’s attacks on healthcare. Ford was elected on a mandate to support the people, listen to health providers Continue readingDecent work and the fight to protect healthcare
By Chloe Rockarts Over four thousand workers at 46 not for profit nursing homes in New Brunswick voted 90% in favour of a strike on March 7. The workers, who have been without a contract since 2016, rejected the 1% increase the New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes had put on the table, and issued Continue readingNew Brunswick nursing home workers fight back
By Jesse McLaren Ontario’s Bill 148 includes 10 Personal Emergency Leave (PEL) days, the first two of which are paid, and an end to sick notes for minor illnesses. But Ontario Premier Doug Ford considers these minor reforms “disastrous.” With his government’s proposed Bill 47, Ford wants to bring back sick notes, eliminate the paid Continue readingWho’s really abusing paid sick days?
By Chloe Rockarts Yesterday, four thousand workers, anti-poverty advocates, and retirees rallied in Toronto in support of maintaining a strong and accessible public healthcare system. The ‘Rebuild and Improve Public Health Care’ rally was hosted by the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) and the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). It was organized in response to Continue readingThousands rally to tell Ford hands off public healthcare
By Jesse McLaren Doug Ford campaigned on a promise to end hallway medicine, but this can’t be done by implementing corporate demands to scrap Bill 148, along with further healthcare cuts. From a higher minimum wage and equal pay, to paid sick days and fair scheduling, to easier unionization, Bill 148 has many health implications. Continue readingTo end hallway medicine, defend Bill 148
By Chantal Sundrum On August 4, when a nurse at the Gatineau Hospital in Hull was told she needed to stay after a 12-hour shift to work mandatory overtime—and responded she was too exhausted—eight of her coworkers held a two-hour on-the-job protest in solidarity. They stayed to work with her, demanding that the hospital pay Continue readingHull nurses stage second sit-in against austerity
By Robert Devet A private for-profit blood supply system is not welcome in Nova Scotia, and the provincial government should enact legislation as soon as possible to ensure private companies such as Canadian Plasma Resources (CPR) do not get to set up shop here. That was the main message at a Tuesday morning press conference Continue readingUnions want paid-for plasma in Nova Scotia outlawed
Deborah Murray and Chantal Sundaram On January 29, at 8am, a young nurse in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, Emilie Ricard, published a Facebook photo of herself in tears. It was taken after finishing a night shift at the end of which she had to cover 70-76 patients. “I am broken by my profession, I’m ashamed of Continue readingQuebec hospital workers take on austerity
By Jesse McLaren Precarious work is a threat to your health. Poverty wages undermine access to the social determinants of health—like food, shelter, clothing, education, which is why there’s a clear correlation between wealth and health. Poverty wages also undermine access to healthcare, preventing those with the greatest health needs from filling their prescription and Continue readingFighting for $15 and Fairness is a matter of health
By Brad Walchuk Roughly 1500 healthcare workers, allies, and community members rallied outside of the Hamilton General Hospital at noon on February 6. The rally is part of an Ontario-wide campaign by the Canadian Union of Public Employee (Ontario Division) and its component OCHU (Ontario Council of Hospital Unions) to increase the funding for hospitals and Continue reading1500 rally in Hamilton to increase healthcare funding