By Mike Parker and Martha Gruelle The difference between a truly democratic union and one that follows a servicing model is stark when it comes to grievance handling. In a strong democratic union there may not even be many grievances; members organize to convince supervisors to stop violating the contract without having to use the Continue readingHow to Use Grievances to Organize
By Jose Lizarraga You’ve filed a good grievance—but the work needed to be done to win it has just begun. How you present your grievance can mean the difference between winning or losing. The timing and kind of grievance meeting you have will depend on your contract. The contract also determines who in management you will Continue readingPresenting your grievance to management
By Bob Barnetson I was recently involved in a discipline arbitration on the union side. The grievance centred on the employer failing to provide particulars when disciplining a worker. Particulars are the who, what, when, where and how of an incident for which the employer seeks to discipline a worker. That is to say, particulars Continue readingWhy might an employer fight a losing grievance?