We at RankandFile.ca want to thank all our readers and donors for the amazing support you have given us over the years. With your help we have have been able to expand our readership and our coverage. We have hired three part-time labour reporters and have published more original content than ever before. Our goal at Continue readingHelp us raise $1000 or we will send you more emails than the NDP
Funding Drive
Help keep us going! Rankandfile.ca aims to boost the number of monthly sustainers from 10 to 50 by June 1. Right now, we are able to publish quality labour journalism and commentary because of the generous donations we collect from readers and labour organizations across the country. Join the ranks of monthly sustainers by committing Continue reading50 for $15: A Rankandfile.ca Fundraiser
Since January RankandFile.ca has raised $3018! This means we’re nearly half way to our new goal of reaching $6660 in donations before the end of summer. Why donate? R&F.ca is committed to building a network of rank-and-file labour activists across the country. Through facilitating the sharing of stories, experiences, debate, and analysis around our collective Continue readingRankandFile.ca fundraiser continues!
R&F.ca has launched its Spring fundraising drive. Our goal is to raise $6,660 by May 1, 2015. Click here to find out how you can donate. Click here to find out how you can donate.
The lightning bolts are crashing, the flames are rising, and R&F.ca is emerging from its lair to slay the behemoth capitalist creatures that linger in the shadows. We summon you to join us as we thrust our bosses into the realm of the damned. Like serpents they slither across thorns, naïve to their own mortality, Continue readingDamn the Bosses, Donate to R&F’s Spring Funding Drive
Thanks to the generous support from readers, contributors, and donors, RankandFile.ca experienced an amazing year. Since October of 2013, the number of monthly views has increased from 12,500 to almost 57,000! During that period, the number of unique monthly viewers has more than doubled, from about 5,500 to 13,500. We now have more than 3,000 followers on Twitter and close to 1,200 Continue readingHelp RankandFile.ca raise $3,000 before 2015. We’re almost there!
Help RankandFile.ca reach its funding goal of $3,400 by July 1, 2014! CLICK HERE TO DONATE Since April 1, RankandFile.ca readers across the country have donated over $1700 to the project so far. Help us get there with individual contributions and through your union. Why donate? RankandFile.ca doesn’t just commit to providing informative news and Continue readingRF.ca Funding Drive: Half way there
Dear Readers, RankandFile.ca is currently seeking funds. Up until now we have been operating on a budget of zero dollars. We are currently looking to expand our coverage and need your help. RankandFile.ca is a Canadian labour media project launched by union activists in early 2012. We publish original, researched news reports and analysis of Continue readingRankandFile.ca Needs Your Money!