This episode, R&’s West Coast Correspondent Daniel Tseghay speaks to Michael Brunson, Recording Secretary for the Chicago Teachers’ Union and Sonia Singh of Labor Notes. They discuss the lessons from the 2012 Chicago Teachers’ Strike and the importance of building social movement unionism in the era of Trump. Also included are their speeches from the Continue Podcast Episode 8 – Lessons from the Chicago Teachers’ Strike
Jackson Potter, one of the founders of CORE (Caucus of Rank and file Educators) inside the Chicago Teachers Union, and current staff coordinator with the CTU, spoke on the broad themes of fighting austerity and the tasks for activists in the education unions.The event was presented by the Labour Committee of the Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly Continue readingWeekend Video: Teachers Teaching Teachers – Lessons From The Chicago Teachers Union
By David Bush For the first time in Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) history an incumbent presidential candidate was defeated. The house of labour has its first new president in 15 years, but what does that really mean for the labour movement? Newly elected Hassan Yussuff used increasingly militant rhetoric throughout his campaign and began to speak Continue readingLabour power among the rank and file
By David Bush On April 4 Labor Notes, a network of rank-and-file labour activists from across the United States, held its 17th conference. The three day conference in Chicago saw over 2000 attendees participate in over a 100 workshops and meetings ranging in topic from labour and independent politics, to beating the boss in discipline Continue readingVoices From Labor Notes – Part 1