By Jesse Bauman Karen Maleka is a part-time personal support worker. She works in and around Cambridge, taking care of sick people, old people, people who can no longer care for themselves. Each week she works 35 to 40 hours, and yet her employer classifies her as a part time employee. I met Karen last Continue readingHow a $15 Minimum Wage Reduces Poverty and Saves Us All Money
BC teachers strike | Impark workers | Ontario minimum wage | Save Canada Post | Nova Scotia nurses | Lac-Mégantic fallout | Manitoba NDP & IBEW | GO Transit Why I’m on the picket line Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential May 31 2014 I believe I deserve a raise, but just like other teachers, that isn’t Continue Weekly Labour Update – June 2, 2014
In’s final weekly labour news post for 2013: Union organizing at Carleton University Layoffs and resistance at Canada Post Legal challenge waged against Albert’s Progressive Conservative government Service sector organizing in Canada Korean workers fight against the threat of rail privatization IAMAW focuses on organizing non-traditional workplaces Return of “Rae Days” in Ontario New Continue readingLabour News Update – 30 December 2013
In September of this year Baristas Rise Up in conjunction with the Canadian Federation of Students-Nova Scotia held a panel discussion entitled Study, Work, Organize in Halifax, Nova Scotia as part of NSPIRG‘s rad frosh. The panel explored the problems facing students and young workers in Nova Scotia and creative strategies and tactics for fighting back. The Continue readingStudy, Work, Organize: Organizing Students and Young Workers in Nova Scotia
by Lindsay Hinshelwood On Sept. 19, 2013, it was announced that another $135 million of taxpayers’ money will be invested at the Ford Motor Company of Canada’s Oakville Assembly Complex (OAC). Jerry Dias, newly elected Unifor national president, claimed at an Oakville news conference, “We won this investment. We earned this investment. We absolutely fought Continue readingAuto Industry Hit and Run
On September 9, visited the picket lines in Kingston, Ontario outside the Providence Care mental health hospital where 70 healthcare workers – or 1/5 of the workforce – are being laid off. We interviewed nurses, paramedics, anti-poverty activists and union officials. This is what we found: Organized by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union Continue readingP3s & layoffs: Kingston workers expose Liberal healthcare cuts
In our third installment of the Unifor Interview Series with union leaders, staff, and rank-and-file members, we speak with Roxanne Dubois about Unifor’s Community Chapters. Roxane is a staff member of the CEP and now Unifor, and is a former chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students. She presented a discussion paper on community chapters Continue readingUnifor Interview Series: Roxanne Dubois on Community Chapters
We continue our weeklong series of interviews with Unifor union leaders, staff, and rank-and-file members. Today we speak with Lindsay Hinshelwood, an assembly line worker at Ford Oakville and a member of Unifor Local 707, formerly of the Canadian Autoworkers. [audio:|titles=Lindsay Hinshelwood interview] Lindsay is a rank-and-file Unifor member who ran from the floor for Continue readingUnifor Interview Series: Lindsay Hinshelwood, Local 707
Canada After the longest certification campaign in Saskatchewan’s history, workers at the Weyburn Wal-Mart voted to decertify. The decertification vote took place in 2010, but the ballot box was sealed pending a court challenge and appeal. Wal-Mart was found guilty of numerous unfair labour practices since the union, the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), Continue readingLabour News Update: 19 August 2013
by David Bush and Doug Nesbitt As in 2009, a last minute deal was reached between the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), a provincial crown corporation, and the Liquor Board Employees represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). Details of the tentative agreement and the date of the ratification vote will be Continue readingAnother Round at the LCBO