by Doug Nesbitt Nearly a month has passed since Canada Post’s management announced, without warning to either the public or the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, that home delivery for five million Canadians would be cut, at least 8,000 jobs eliminated, and service costs increased. As many have pointed out, including the Canadian Union of Continue readingSaving Canada Post: The struggle so far
Canada Post
In’s final weekly labour news post for 2013: Union organizing at Carleton University Layoffs and resistance at Canada Post Legal challenge waged against Albert’s Progressive Conservative government Service sector organizing in Canada Korean workers fight against the threat of rail privatization IAMAW focuses on organizing non-traditional workplaces Return of “Rae Days” in Ontario New Continue readingLabour News Update – 30 December 2013
By David Bush The announcement this morning that Canada Post Corporation will end home delivery in urban areas, increase the cost of postage and layoff between 8,000 to 10,000 employees over the next five years is shameful. Management at the Crown Corporation cites the decreasing volume of mail and the losses accrued since the lockout Continue readingThe Battle At Canada Post And The Future of Our Public Services
The privatization of Canada Post has long been discussed but times are changing. Across the Atlantic, Britain’s coalition government of Tories and Liberal Democrats is privatizing the Royal Mail. Privatization is being rammed through ahead of potential strike action by postal workers, while defenders of the public service are warning that privatization will see a Continue readingA postal worker warns of Canada Post privatization
[audio:|titles=June 20 2012 episode] Click here to download This show features an interview with David Bush, a community and labour activist based primarily on the East Coast. David is currently finishing his Master’s in Labour Studies at McMaster University. His blog will be exploring the theoretical and strategic debates facing left-wing activists who are trying Continue readingRFR: June 20 episode
This article was written by David Bush and originally published at “David Bush is a community and labour activist based primarily on the East Coast. Currently he is finishing his Master’s in Labour Studies at McMaster University. His blog will be exploring the theoretical and strategic debates facing left-wing activists who are trying to Continue readingBuilding the power to win: learning from last year’s lockout at Canada Post
Note: Published on Translating the printemps érable, a website dedicated to translating Quebec news articles for an Anglophone audience. Original translation page. ~RFR June 2, 2012 Original French Text: Canada Post suspended two Montreal employees on Friday for wearing the red square in support of the student movement. Management previously advised some employees verbally Continue reading“Canada Post: Suspended for their red square” (Le Journal de Québec)