By Scott Price The 2015 Canadian federal election is approaching its last days. Although the NDP has seen its support wane, the election will most likely be a close one. In Manitoba and Winnipeg the municipal, federal and upcoming provincial elections could signal the start of a longer process of reevaluation and retooling for both the Continue readingIn Manitoba labour movement in the middle of the election cycle storm
By David Bush This past year has seen governments continue and extend their unprecedented assault on fundamental trade union and worker rights, while employers demand even more concessions at the bargaining table. At the federal level the Conservatives passed their omnibus Bill C-4, which stripped away basic health and safety regulations for workers. The legislation Continue reading2014: The Canadian labour movement in review
Workplace safety | Rana Plaza | Temporary Foreign Workers Program | CLC Presidency | Art Gallery of Ontario | UPS wildcat | Bill C-377 & C-525 | Labour-Community Alliances April 28: Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job Workplace safety by the numbers CBC News, April 28 2014 In 2012, the Continue Weekly Labour Update – April 28 2014‘s Andrew Stevens answers a few questions from fellow editor Doug Nesbitt about how the Harper Tories have introduced new labour legislation, including bills C-377 and C-525. Q: What is the reason why federal anti-union bills C-377 and C-525 have been introduced by Tories as private members’ bills. What exactly is a private members’ Continue readingWorking in the shadows for transparency: Bills C-377 and C-525