Journalists, photographers and editors have been on strike for over 260 days in a defensive strike against union-busting by the Chronicle Herald. The strike began on January 23 of this year in an effort to stop major concessions. A boycott of the Chronicle Herald as well as those companies who continue to financially support the Chronicle Herald has Continue readingWeekend Video: Striking against a scab paper
By Robert Devet Labour issues have become part of the Halifax municipal election in more ways than one. A substantial number of candidates promised not to talk to Chronicle Herald scab reporters and made a public commitment to a living wage for city workers and contractors. A decision that takes guts 19 municipal candidates running Continue readingHalifax municipal candidates support fair wages, boycott scab reporters
By Scott Price In the early nineties, two TV stations (CKY\CKND) in Winnipeg, Manitoba locked out their workers. Both of these lockouts would start lengthy disputes – rare for the Canadian broadcasting industry. The two lockouts demonstrate that while workers in the Canadian broadcasting industry face similar issues as workers in other industries (wages, benefits, Continue reading“Machines can do a better job than you and this is what you get for asking questions”
by Robert Devet The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is putting its weight behind the ongoing consumer boycott of Chronicle Herald advertisers. “There comes a point where you leave people no choice,” says Danny Cavanagh, president of the Federation. “The sooner these companies stop advertising, the sooner the newsroom workers can get back to work.” Continue readingBoycott the Herald and its advertisers
by Doug Nesbitt If you see Covered Bridge potato chips, don’t buy them. Tell the store manager why. And if you’re anywhere near Hartland, New Brunswick, head down to the picket lines and support the workers who have been forced to strike after two years of trying to negotiate a first contract. The boycott against Continue readingBOYCOTT! Sharpening a workers’ weapon
By Robert Devet KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Hundreds of members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), in town for a meeting of IATSE’s International General Executive Board, rallied this morning at the offices of Egg Films on Lower Water Street. In March of this year Egg Films, the largest local producer of television Continue readingHundreds rally at Egg Films
By Matthew Davidson Over the past six years, Israel has waged three different wars against the Gazans, killing thousands in the process. The current war has killed nearly 2,000 civilians and made a quarter of Gaza’s 1.8 million people homeless. Drawing inspiration from the labour-backed boycott of Apartheid South Africa, Palestinian civil society groups have Continue readingLabor for Palestine: Interview with Michael Letwin
Petition from workers is a call for sustained action by Doug Nesbitt Over 140 locked out workers at IKEA Richmond have signed a petition calling on the Canadian Labour Congress, Teamsters Canada (their union), and all trade unionists to start a Canada-wide boycott against the well-known corporation. The workers have been locked out for over Continue readingIKEA Richmond workers call for Canada-wide boycott
BC teachers | Boycott IKEA | Halifax baristas | Aerospace strike | Suncor deaths | Federal sick leave | Save Canada Post | Bonfield strike | Prostitution laws | Sao Paulo transit workers BC teachers strike: Essential reading Why I’m on the picket line Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential BC teachers to vote June 9-10 on Continue Weekly Labour Update – June 9 2014
by Doug Nesbitt Locked out for thirteen months, over three hundred IKEA workers in Richmond, BC are still holding out. While setting record profits in 2013, IKEA is trying to impose a two-tier wage system and seriously weaken benefits. The stakes are high as IKEA Richmond sets workplace standards for non-union IKEA stores. Of the Continue readingBoycott IKEA: Some Assembly Required