Earlier this year baristas employed by the Smiling Goat learned the hard way how vulnerable they are. This summer employees of a coffee shop in Bedford received a similar grim reminder. To the surprise of both its customers and its employees, The Nook Espresso Bar and Lounge closed its Bedford location in late July of Continue readingBaristas fight back after Halifax coffee shop closes
Baristas Rise Up
By Charlie Huntley Workers at the Smiling Goat Café in Halifax have been slinging lattes for years, but for the past six weeks most of us have been struggling to get paid. After pleading, workers sometimes received $200 here or $200 there in owed wages, but none of us have been paid in full, some Continue readingSticking it to the Smiling Goat: Beating a bad boss
Music Video in support of Coffee Shop Workers and promoting the organizing of (especially) low paid and precarious work. . This video was produced by the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council in support of coffee shop workers and others trying to make all work, decent work with a living wage. Everyone who worked on this video Continue readingWeekend Video: Hey Baristas!
BC teachers | Baristas Rise Up | Bombardier strike | Federal minimum wage | Federal PS bargaining | Regina pensions | Cameco lockout | Native court workers | Edmonton senior care layoffs | Temporary foreign workers | Ontario mines safety report | Kellogg’s London Striking BC teachers 99.4 percent for binding arbitration Tamsyn Burgmann, CTV Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour News Update: September 15, 2014
By David Bush On August 15 workers at SPoT Coffee in downtown Toronto voted on joining the Service Employees International Union local 2. While the vote has yet to be counted, employees and the union are both confident that the vote will go their way. In June of this year while volunteering for the NDP Continue readingBaristas Rise Up in Toronto
Last spring workers at a Just Us! cafe in Halifax, Nova Scotia waged a struggle for union recognition. Out of that union drive those workers and their allies formed Baristas Rise Up (BRU). BRU has since gone on to help organize unions with Service Employees International Union Local 2 in Halifax’s coffee shop sector. Workers Continue readingThe Baristas Rise Up Zine
BC teachers | Boycott IKEA | Halifax baristas | Aerospace strike | Suncor deaths | Federal sick leave | Save Canada Post | Bonfield strike | Prostitution laws | Sao Paulo transit workers BC teachers strike: Essential reading Why I’m on the picket line Tara Ehrcke, Staffroom Confidential BC teachers to vote June 9-10 on Continue readingRankandFile.ca Weekly Labour Update – June 9 2014
Report from David Bush, CLC convention delegate and RankandFile.ca editor If the first full day of the convention was a boon for the progressives at the CLC, Day 2 was a reminder of the numerous entrenched challenges they face in making the CLC a relevant and progressive force. The day started off with a delegates-only Continue readingCLC Day 2 Recap: Branding & Organizing