On Monday, May 13th, WestJet announced it was being bought out by a private equity firm Onex for 5 billion dollars. This would take WestJet from being a publicly traded company to a private one. WestJet pilots and cabin crew members have unionized all within the past several years. Chris Rauenbusch, president of CUPE Local Continue readingWhat will WestJet’s sale to Onex mean for workers?
air industry
By Peter Hogarth Labour law changes are coming to federally-regulated workers. If you have been following the Fight for $15 and Fairness in Ontario, then the changes introduced in the federal government’s Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-86, will sound similar to the labour law changes the Ontario Liberals introduced in 2017 with Bill 148. The Continue readingFighting for $15 & Fairness from Bill C-86 to the workplace
By Pam Frache, On August 23, the more than 700 members of Teamsters Local 419 voted over 98% to reject the latest contract offer by the multinational Swissport. These brave union members, many of whom are workers of colour, newcomers, and – certainly among cabin cleaners – women, have been on strike since July 27. Continue readingTeamsters Local 419: Striking for at least $15 and Fairness
On July 27 over 700 workers employed by Swissport at Pearson Airport walked off the job. The workers, represented by Teamsters local 419, handle baggage and cargo, tow planes, clean cabins, and perform flight operations tasks for over 30 airlines. The company’s uncompromising attitude and disrespect for workers are directly responsible for this labour dispute. Continue readingWeekend Video: Swissport strike at Pearson
Striking workers at Winnipeg airport press on into second month by James Wilt Almost a month has passed since 150 workers at the Winnipeg International Airport started striking for increased job security. The members of Public Service Alliance of Canada/Union of Canadian Transportation Employees Local 50600 — which includes electricians, maintenance staff, IT personnel, administrators Continue readingScabs on a plane! The Winnipeg airport strike
By Gerard Di Trolio After having abandoned promises like funding for First Nations education and electoral reform, the Trudeau government is now flirting with a policy that no one was promised: airport privatization. Although airport privatization was not in the current federal budget, the government is still considering it. Trudeau continues dodge the question, refusing Continue readingLiberal privatization plans ready for take off
By Tim Heffernan The following is an interview with Sean Smith, Mobilization Co-ordinator with UNIFOR 2002 and a representative of the Toronto Airport Workers Council. The interview was conducted in April 2016. Tim: Tell me about the issues facing workers at Pearson Airport. Sean: Well, what’s unique about airline workers (and) that few people realise Continue readingClass struggle at Pearson airport
By Samantha Ponting On April 23, SeaTac airport worker Socrates Bravo and community organizer Claudia Alexandra Paras spoke to delegates of Organize BC’s Canroots 2016 Conference about the massive referendum victory that forced the small US city of SeaTac into implementing a $15 living wage –adjusted for inflation – for its 6,000 airport and hotel Continue readingLessons from the SeaTac Living Wage Victory
By Samantha Ponting and Andrew Stevens On Feb. 26, 2014, the WestJet Professional Flight Attendants’ Association (WPFAA) began a certification drive to unionize WestJet flight attendants, amidst resistance from management. The WPFAA is an in-house representative organization seeking union certification under the Canada Labour Code. It has hundreds of members, and is “organized to empower Continue readingThe Struggle to Organize WestJet Flight Attendants
We’ll get straight to the point, as airport workers we must vote in the upcoming federal election. Not only because it is our democratic right and duty as Canadians, but because this election could have a direct impact on our working conditions due to many of us being federally regulated workers. This means its Ottawa, Continue readingWhy this election matters at YYZ
By Dan Janssen, Vice President IAMAW Local 2323 With the Federal election just around the corner, it is a very exciting time to be part of the labour movement in Canada. As a passionate and active union representative, a member of the Toronto Airport Workers Council, and a worker at Canada’s largest airport, I feel Continue readingPearson workers at the vanguard of labour struggles this election
By Dan Janssen May 29th marked 15 years for me as a worker at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. I love my job loading aircraft with bags and cargo, sending them on their way to far off destinations around the world. Best part about my job is my co-workers and friends. We have fun at Continue readingYYZ contract flipping and the race to the bottom needs to end