Today on Rank & File Radio, teachers and students fighting for quality, public education. We’ll hear from Megan Linton, from the Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Federation of Students, on creating a prairie solidarity network for students to connect, share knowledge and organizing skills. And we’ll hear an excerpt of my interview with Eric Blanc, Continue readingBuilding Student & Teacher Prairie Solidarity
Academic sector
Well, quite a bit. The University of Regina Faculty Association which represents 1400 employees, attained a strike mandate in November 2018, seeking wage increases to match inflation and job security for sessional instructors, among other things. URFA’s contract expired in June 2017. URFA and Administration are currently in mediation. And the U of R Students’ Continue readingWhat is going on at the University of Regina?
By Zaid Noorsumar Tanya d’Anger has been teaching at Ontario’s colleges since 2000. Her CV lists some of the most renowned institutions in the province as her employers. And yet, the 59-year old reapplies for work at the end of every semester. For 18 years, she has remained a contract faculty member who earns lower Continue readingContract faculty fight Ford’s attack on Bill 148
By Bob Barnetson A few weeks back, I reported on an application before the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB). The crux of the issue was that the University of Lethbridge was trying to compel the faculty association (FA) to negotiate two collective agreements: one for regular faculty and one for sessionals. This issue had come to a Continue readingUniversity of Lethbridge loses at labour board
Brad Walchuk On a cold and snowy February day, some 250 Teaching Assistants in the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3902, one of the oldest teaching/graduate assistant unions in North America, held a rally in support of their bargaining team on the last day of negotiations before they expected to trigger a countdown to Continue readingNeoliberal campuses have millenials going union
By Simon Norris* A lot of attention has been paid to the part-time work during this round collective bargaining in the Ontario College system, and deservedly so given that 81% of teaching staff is made up of contract and part-time instructors. The hardships wrought on educational workers engaged in part-time work has been well documented. Continue readingWhat’s at stake in the Ontario College Strike
By Susan Srigley, NUFA President On Nov. 2, full-time faculty at Nipissing University, represented by the Nipissing University Faculty Association in North Bay, Bracebridge, and Brantford walked off the job after months of negotiations and failed provincial conciliation. The issues remaining on the table are: governance, job security, faculty complement and compensation. North Bay, a Continue readingWhat’s happening at Nipissing University?