As part of a new workers protest movement emerging out of the Atlantic provinces and Quebec, organized labour has been coordinating large town halls on the EI changes brought about by the Harper government. The town halls are providing an open floor for people to share their experiences and concerns, as well as discuss and develop labour’s strategy.
Here is a glimpse of the testimonials and speeches at a March 7 town hall of over 300 people in Sydney, Nova Scotia. It was organized by the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour. The next scheduled NSFL town halls are in Amherst, March 12, 6:30pm at the Wandlyn Inn, and Lunenberg on March 18 at the Community Centre, 6:30pm.
A reminder to readers that is always looking for labour correspondents who can provide audio, video, photos, and reports of events. Please contact us at if you’re interested or even just curious.
Note: Audio improves after the first speaker.