Note: Published on Translating the printemps érable, a website dedicated to translating Quebec news articles for an Anglophone audience. Original translation page.
June 2, 2012
Original French Text:
Canada Post suspended two Montreal employees on Friday for wearing the red square in support of the student movement.
Management previously advised some employees verbally that it was not desirable to show support to the student cause. For the past few weeks several employees had been wearing the red square but Canada Post decided to clamp down on Friday.
According to the Union, the two suspended employees ignored the verbal notice and continued to wear the piece of cloth.
One of them also wore a pin denouncing the special law voted in June 2011 forcing 48 000 Canada Post employees to put an end to their strike.
Suspensions Lifted
The suspensions were finally lifted Saturday morning and both employees affected by the sanctions will be reimbursed the hours of work that was taken from them. However, the restriction to wear the red square remains in effect, which does not please the Union.
“For us it is simply a question of freedom of expression. We have to understand that a year ago we got a special law as well, a law forcing us to return to work, a law that served no purpose since a year later, nothing has been solved”, explained Alain Duguay President of the Union of Postal Workers.
Mr. Duguay is asking management to reconsider its decision and allow employees the freedom to choose to take position on certain topics, providing it does not involve symbols of hatred or defamation.
Canada Post declined requests for interviews stating that they would not comment on exceptional cases involving employees.