Callout for testimonials
In recent weeks, news headlines are full of stories about sexism and harassment in the workplace. is seeking testimonials of workers and the unemployed who have experienced sexism. We would like to bring these issues to light through publication on’s website in an effort to educate workers about sexism and harassment, and how we can fight it together.
Please contact Samantha Ponting at if you have a story you would like to share with us. If you wish to stay anonymous or have other concerns, please let us know. The deadline for submissions is Nov. 30.
In solidarity,
Have you ever faced sexual harassment in the workplace?
Have you had to resign from a job because of sexual harassment?
Has your gender ever kept you from getting a job or promotion? Has your gender delayed your promotion?
Have your co-worker’s behaviours and attitudes ever created an unwelcoming or toxic workplace for you?
Have you ever been asked by an employer to follow a dress code that sexualizes you? Have you ever had to follow a dress code that has double standards?
Have you ever been treated with less respect than male co-workers? Have your initiatives received less recognition than the initiatives of male co-workers?
Have you had difficulty having your opinions validated because of your gender?
Do you make less money or receive fewer benefits than your men co-workers for the same work?
Have you ever been designated or denied specific workplace roles or duties because of your gender?
Have you ever faced sexual or gender-based violence in the workplace?
Has an experience of sexual assault, harassment, or gender-based violence impeded your ability to progress in your work life?
Has sexism in society impacted your ability to complete your work, look for employment, or advance your career? Has sexism in society held you back at work, or made your work life more difficult?
Have you faced sexism during your participation in the labour movement/labour activism?
Our testimonials are now published! Read some powerful stories of sexism in the workplace here.