Help keep us going! aims to boost the number of monthly sustainers from 10 to 50 by June 1. Right now, we are able to publish quality labour journalism and commentary because of the generous donations we collect from readers and labour organizations across the country.
Join the ranks of monthly sustainers by committing $15/month. If you’re one of the first ten $15 contributors, we’ll send you a t-shirt!
With this support commits to:
– Expand the number of regional Writer/Organizers from three to five
– Introduce a bi-monthly guest podcast series at $100 per podcast
– Grow the travel fund from $1,000 to $2,000
– Introduce at least two special series topics throughout the year, with $150 offered for each article
– Introduce a line of promotional materials available for rallies, labour events, and conferences
– Most importantly, organize a R&F conference for the spring of 2017
Become a monthly $15 sustainer today!
In Solidarity, editorial & writer/organizer team
Sam Ponting, Tara Ehrcke, Andrew Stevens, Dave Bush, Doug Nesbitt, Gerard DiTrolio, Daniel Tseghay, Denise Leduc, Robert Devet