RankandFile.ca is committed to building a network of rank-and-file labour activists across the country. We believe sharing stories, experiences, debate, and analysis around our collective struggles strengthens our movement and builds solidarity.
We provide coverage of strikes, negotiations, legislative developments, international solidarity efforts, economic policy, and the victories in between. We are committed to publishing well-researched, timely, and thought-provoking pieces that can inform the work of the labour movement. As we build our network of contributors and readers, we are able to promote campaigns that defend workers’ rights
Union donation
Put a motion forward to your union local or labour council to make a donation. Here’s a model funding request letter.
Snail Mail
Send a cheque made out to “Rankandfile.ca” care of our Treasurer:
Andrew Stevens
Faculty of Business Administration
5th Floor, Education Building
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway,
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 0A5
You can also set up a regular auto-deposit contribution by sending us a void cheque and filling out the payor agreement forms, available here. Instructions are available on-line. (Payor Agreement Forms) (Payor Agreement Instructions)
How your support helps
- $100 keeps the website running for a year
- $300 pays for a solicited article from a freelance labour journalist
- $2,000 pays to hire a full-time picket line correspondent to produce daily articles for a week
Donations also pay for: website costs, publishing pamphlets and flyers, travel costs, and more.